Trying to garden by the moon, incorporating some square foot gardening techniques...whilst Home Educating three children. Must be mad ;o)


Saturday, July 19, 2003

We planted this row of sunflowers in memory of Dick Reineke, a local Home Educating father who lost his battle against a brain tumour in April this year. Aren't they beautiful :o)

Just testing this out...I hope I've got a comments bit now!

And yet more huge radishes!

I've also been having some problems with the courgettes - they'd start to form and then rot. I've now trained them up stakes and seem to be having less problems with this, although I'm still to get one big enough to eat yet. Very soon though, provided they don't rot again.

One of my tomatoes has started to turn colour, yeay!

And I have a corn cob coming up too!

Friday, July 18, 2003

Mmmm...I love picking vegetables fresh from the garden :o) These carrots and radishes went straight in to a salad.

Monday, July 14, 2003

Ok, so those of you that have been reading this up until now have no idea what anything I'm describing looks like, so as I've managed to get the photo insertion working I thought I'd post some pics of the garden and things I've talked about. Yes it's a bit boring, but at least you'll have a mental image next time I prattle on about things ;o)

This picture is taken looking up from the bottom of the garden to the new patio and the house.

This is looking out of one of the rear bedroom windows at the garden, part of the patio is in shade.

Looking across from the patio to the vegetable beds and plastic greenhouse.

Looking the other way, from the vegetable beds to the end of the patio! (Bored yet?!)

T'other end of the patio.

Looking across the veggie beds to the utility area, where the water butt, composter and barbecue are sited.

The veggie beds.

The newish bed that needs to 'bulk out' a bit, it's looking very bare at the moment!

The half-weeded bed! How can weeds and grass take over so fast?!

It looked less bare with weeds mind you...

The Zuckertraubbe tomato plant that snapped in half and we sellotaped it back together. It's flourishing!

I managed to get a photo of both of the baby frogs that live in the greenhouse today. Awww :o)

The front garden...what there is of it! It's very narrow so we took the grass off, put down purple scree, and covered it in pots.
It might help though if I got out there and put something *in* the pots this year

This photo hasn't really come out all that well, but this is the 66 foot lavender hedge down the side of the house that Trin and I planted not long back. It's really quite pretty, but the colour of the lavender doesn't show up. At the end of the hedge you can see where I've planted redcurrant bushes. And look at that poor grass, so dry :o(

Sunday, July 13, 2003

God and Goddess, it worked!!!!! Amazing, I thought it wouldn't. OK, now I just have to take some more photos, and I can bore you all with pictures as well as words. Bwahahahahah!!!!

I'm just trying to get this photo insertion thingy working...

If I have, there could well be a photo of the largest of the baby frogs that live in my greenhouse above here now! *Fingers crossed* If there isn't, I'm going to go and cry to Merry *L*

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