Trying to garden by the moon, incorporating some square foot gardening techniques...whilst Home Educating three children. Must be mad ;o)


Sunday, August 17, 2003

This is todays cucumber haul *gulp* Even though I picked loads 3 days ago! What was that you said Trog, gazpacho? I've never had it, it might take some persuading to get the kids to eat what seems to be a cold soup? Is it nice?
I shall certainly be taking some cucumbers to the Home Ed meeting tomorrow though to put towards our usual buffet lunch. Oh, and yes!! The crystal lemon cucumbers do go yellow, as you can see.

Luckily the African Land Snails seem to be partial to them too!
Here's one of the baby snails enjoying some

And the adult snails too.

I'm continuing to get a lot of cherry tomatoes from the hanging baskets, and now that I've taken a lot of limbs off the Zuckertraube plants they're starting to turn colour at last too.

That was an easy enough job, thinning the limbs of the Zuckertraube. I have to admit though I just don't know where to start with this lot, but I'll certainly be spacing them all further apart next year! They're even encroaching on my poor crystal lemon cucumbers.

After having a rummage around in them though I found some that were ripening, even though they were getting barely any sunlight due to their bushiness. Maybe I won't need to get any limbs off, but I'll need to keep a close eye on them or they'll ripen and fall before I see them. Then I'll get even more self-seeded tomato plants next year, and I prefer to know what variety they are to be honest.

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