Trying to garden by the moon, incorporating some square foot gardening techniques...whilst Home Educating three children. Must be mad ;o)


Tuesday, September 23, 2003

My garden is a total *mess* at the moment. Huge weeds, overgrown tomato plants that have fallen over and debris from the children cluttering up everywhere. And am I motivated to do anything about it at all? Nope.
On a good note the tomatoes are ripening, so if I get to them before the snails and slugs do I'm getting a nice daily haul. I have to grow more plum tomatoes next year, they're so delicious! I keep thinking that the tomaotes aren't ripe, then I feel them and realise they are. I guess I'm just used to the over-red commercial tomatoes, mine are much lighter in colour when ripe. They certainly taste much better than the shop-bought ones :o)
There are still a few cucumbers growing on the plants, even though the plants themselves look like they're pretty much finished. I'll let the fruits get as big as they can and then uproot them and chuck them in the compost bin. In fact I really have to get out and do some weeding this week too *sigh* Whilst we were away at camp last week someone came and weeded the spot down the side of our house where I'm growing the redcurrant bushes and sunflowers *L* I've no idea who did it, but I guess they'd had enough of the weeds ;o) Suits me fine, maybe next time we go away someone could come and weed the back garden too!

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